Personal training can help you achieve any of these goals whether it is to improve your health and fitness, achieve a healthier look, lose weight, lose fat, tone, build muscle, get strong, increase energy, improve endurance, speed up the metabolism, and or strengthen bone density. Through experience, we know what works, so we can help you achieve your results faster.


Personal training is for anyone looking to train in a private session such as a 1 on 1 environment. This is beneficial for the person that wants focused attention to really guide them on what needs to be done to achieve their specific goals. The trainee is shown specific exercises that relate only to their goals. General nutritional coaching and meal plan guidance is also discussed to speed up the trainees results. We support the trainee in keeping them accountable, keeping them on track, motivated, inspired, and to develop the mindset and daily habits required to achieve their goals.

We also offer small group class of semi personal training. This is for people who want that personal training small private session environment but with a small group. The number of trainees that can be involved in a semi personal training session is between 2-4 participants. That way, the number of people in the session is still small enough where enough focused attention can be given for each individual’s goals, yet it allows the feel of a small group.


Sessions are 60 min.


Sessions can take place at:

  1. Our gym in Surrey
  2. Mobile (At your location of choice. Refer to Mobile Sessions page for additional travel fee.)
  3. Online

For deals and rates, contact us on whatsapp, email, or call. We will send you all the program rates in a PDF document.

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