Injury Recovery will help you rehabilitate from an injury, return to performing normal every day functioning, and enjoy daily activities with no pain or less pain!

Take action right away. The faster you take action, the better your chances of healing an injury optimally. In the early stages, you have more influence in controlling the body to heal optimally. If you wait too long, hard tissue and soft tissue may settle in bad ways.


Common injuries we have helped rehabilitate are back injuries. While we have worked with the the mid and upper areas of the back being the cervical and thoracic regions, the more common areas of pain and injury are in the low back lumbar and sacral regions.

Other injuries we’ve helped rehabilitate are injuries in the shoulders, elbows, wrist, knees, and ankles.

Depending on the severity of the injury and how long you’ve had it for will often be reflected in the treatment time. For example, if it was a long standing chronic injury, it will take longer to rehabilitate. Whereas a minor injury that you’ve had for a short time, will heal faster. While some injuries can return back to good functioning and no pain, some injuries are complex and difficult to treat, but you can always improve an injury and reduce pain to some level with the right approaches. Sometimes, the right approaches are a combination of therapies from different health care specialists.

We specialize in exercises that are specific in strengthening those injured areas. As the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones get stronger gradually, it holds the body parts in the correct positioning which reduces or eliminates pain and the injury has been healed.

We also specialize in active and passive soft tissue release to reduce or eliminate pain as well as restore normal function by applying techniques involving massaging and stretching at the same time while the client either passively or actively moves. This breaks down scar tissue, adhesions, increase blood flow, and restore normal range of motion and function.


Sessions are 45 min.


Sessions take place at:

  1. Our gym in Surrey
  2. Online
  3. Mobile (At your location of choice. Refer to Mobile Sessions page for additional travel fee.)

For deals and rates, contact us on whatsapp, email, or call. We will send you all the program rates in a PDF document.

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